Made a Job Board

Haha, just kidding! Noone needs yet another remote job board IMO.
(Although one applicant told me there is never enough job boards, so what do I know.)

There is however one issue that was bothering me for couple of weeks.

The thing is - Remote Weekly is a smart newsletter. It crawls various job boards, Facebook groups or subreddits, applies a little bit of filtering, text-analysis and machine learning so that it can send you only the stuff you are truly interested in.

That is all fine. Except - There is this database of valuable data only being used on the weekends. Isn’t that a waste!

And that’s why I’ve stitched together a lil website - Remote Daily.
It’s basically remote job fulltext search engine.
Goal is to help people who are actively looking for remote position and can’t afford to wait for the weekly newsletter.

That’s right, I’ve created side-project inside my side-project.

One neat trick

You can bookmark any dynamic url to quickly check on new jobs (they are highlighted)

Check it out! Remote Daily